If you’re a novice to cement plastering, it can be a challenge to learn the basics. Fortunately, there are some basic techniques that can help you achieve success. Here are some tips for achieving a smooth finish with cement plaster. First, use a trowel with an upward stroke, and be sure to use it in a circular motion. This will break the suction between the trowel and the mud. This will help to prevent it from pulling away from the wall. Visit plasterers to get the best plastering services.
Limestrong Build Finish plasters are ready to use and come in a 32-lb. bag. They can be mixed with two gallons of water in a bucket or used in a mortar mixer. Typically, six to eight bags can be used in a six-cubic-foot mortar mixer to produce a full batch.

LSB Coarse Finish is recommended for use on interior surfaces and is not designed for use on exterior walls. It should be applied in two thin coats over drywall, with the largest aggregate particle size being no larger than one-eighth inch in size. The maximum thickness of the coat is 1/8″ and the product should be allowed to dry for at least 12 hours before applying it. If you need a smoother finish, you can choose LSB FINE FINISH.
LSB COARSE FINISH is suitable for use on interior lime-plaster walls. It should not be applied to unprotected wood sheeting, plywood, or drywall. You must also ensure that the surface is completely level before applying LSB COARSE FINISH.
LSB FINE FINISH for concrete and cement plastering can be used on concrete and cement backer boards, as well as smooth poured concrete. It should be applied as a thin coat and the surface should be dampened before application. This product is available in concentrated liquid form, which must be diluted to eight parts water to one part soap. Then, use a stainless steel trowel to finish the surface.
LSB FINE FINISH is designed to provide the right level of fine grain in cement plastering. It is off-white when dry. For additional color, any universal tint or dry-powder pigment can be used. The Limestrong Color System is a complete colorant for LSB Finish plasters and is available in bulk boxes.
This product is available in four colors and is ready to use. It comes packaged in 32-pound bags. It is easy to mix the required quantity using a bucket. It can also be mixed in a mortar mixer. Six to eight bags should be enough for a full mixer batch.
LSB FINE FINISH is suitable for interior and exterior cement plastering. It is a mixture of suitable plaster, sand, and Portland cement. It is usually applied to masonry surfaces. It is also used on interior surfaces, like stock brick walls. Some proprietary spray fireproofing products are also available in this product. In addition to cement plaster, cement-based plasters can also be used to protect LPG vessels, pipe bridges, and vessel skirts.